The house of prayer for all nation

Israelite Calendar Confirms It’s Not Just An Asteroid! To Come… Olam Israel! New Jerusalem; the Age of the Anunnaqi ASTEROID, MESSENGER, OR DESTOYER? Blood Moon: Full Moon Renewed (The Biblical New Moon); Pentecost 2022, 6th Day of Sivan, was Sunday May 22nd, Year 1 of Release. Posted 5th Month Tammuz, 1st day, July 13th, 2022AD. Abib 2019 marked the end of 400…
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The Dark Moon DECEPTION…

Luke 11:36, ‘If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light.’ Tradition is a hard thing to break, just as new wine cannot be contained in the old wine bottles. The tradition…
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What the Quran says about Israelites

The Quran: Says: O Children of Israel remember my favor where with I favored you and how I preferred you over the worlds. Sura 2 47 We have left it with you as a mercy from your Lord. Indeed, his favor upon you has ever been great. Al Isra, Sura 17:87 Your Lord is most…
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Let Your Ears Hear My Brethren: Coming Out of Darkness!

‘For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my Brethren my Kinsmen according to the Flesh: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth  the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of of the Law and the service of GOD and the promises, whose are the fathers, and of whom…
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The Difference Between Israelites And Christians

Israelites are the descendants of Jacob (Israel). Christians are grafted in, to be Redeemed through the Grace of Christ. A Christian disciple is a GENTILE CONVERT who follows the Gospel of Christ taught by the Israelite Paul, as founded in Acts 11:26, Acts 15:10, Acts 15:19-20. People throughout the world can only be saved through…
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