What the Quran says about Israelites

The house of prayer for all nation

What the Quran says about Israelites

  • The Quran: Says:

O Children of Israel remember my favor where with I favored you and how I preferred you over the worlds. Sura 2 47

We have left it with you as a mercy from your Lord. Indeed, his favor upon you has ever been great. Al Isra, Sura 17:87

Your Lord is most knowing of you. If he wills, he will have mercy upon you; or if he wills, he will punish you. And we have not sent you, (O Muhammad), over them as a manager. Al Isra, Sura 17:54

And we said after Pharaoh to the Children of Israel, “Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise  of the Hereafter, we will bring you forth in (one) gathering.” Al Isra, Sura 17:104

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